Terms of Services

By entering this website, you agree to the following terms of service:

This website contains adult-oriented material that may be offensive to, or illegal for some readers to access. If you are offended by this type of material or it is prohibited for you to access for any reason, then you are forbidden from entering this website. It is the sole responsibility of the end user to know what is acceptable or unacceptable in your specific area of origin.

To protect users from viewing adult-oriented material without consent, this site requires you to read and certify the following statements.

You are 18 years of age or older. Sexually explicit material is for your own personal use and and you believe that, as an adult, you have the unalienable right to read and/or view any type of material you choose including the images contained in this website.The viewing, reading, and downloading of the material and images in this website do not violate the community standards of your street, village, city, town, county, state, province, or country.

You are wholly responsible for any false disclosures and responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise from your viewing, reading, or downloading of material and images contained within this website. Website owners, third parties and affiliates of this site cannot be held responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise as a result of fraudulent entry into, or use of, this website by you.

You acknowledge and agree that placing any advertisement text or link on this website or on any page of this website - without the prior written consent of the site is forbidden and may result in the actionable infringement of rights. This warning page constitutes a legal agreement between this site and yourself, as well as any business entity of which you have any legal or equitable interest. If any portion of this agreement is deemed unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect the enforceability of the other portions of this fully severable legal agreement. This site is offered for entertainment purposes only and makes no expressed or implied warranties about the content or veracity of people who consensually choose to participate online in this virtual community. Enjoy.

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